A Falling Loop

Ida Lasic
Art Director & Animator
Digital Portfolio

Miles Jefferson Friday
Digital Portfolio

A Falling Loop is a multimedia production created as a means to strengthen our global community, to engage Midwest rural communities, and to pair animation with new music to make new art more accessible to audiences. Engaging Midwest rural communities to participate in A Falling Loop included collecting drawings and audio from community members. The images collected were reimagined and brought to life by animator, Ida Lasic. According to Ida, “in A Falling Loop, community drawings of the flora and fauna of homelife were taken into the 3D plane, transforming them into the textures of wild nature from the dancing stickmen, to the corn, to the vast pale blue fields”. Audio was collected from more than 40 guitarists, and Miles explained that in the process of electronic composition, “the guitar was sampled and synthesized into new digital landscapes and rhythmic eruptions” to accompany the guitar. Participants on the project join from Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Serbia, the UK, and the United States–including guitar programs at the State University of New York in Fredonia and University of Louisville. The project was funded in-part by the Indiana Arts Commission, the Indiana University Center for Rural Engagement, and the Twisted Spruce Music Foundation.
https://www.twistedspruce.org/ https://www.twistedspruce.org/afallingloop https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJcTfY10oaZDdj1XMGid7Xg PR EPK: https://dogranchmusicpr.com/a-falling-loop/
CREDITS Nathan Fischer | Producer
Ida Lasic | Art Director and Lead Animator
Miles Jefferson Friday | Composer
D. James Tagg | Audio Engineer
GUITAR - Section Leaders
Andrea Cannon
Ammar Saiful
Dale Kavanagh
Fred Krug
Jiji Kim
Jim Piorkowski
Isabella Fincher
Mark Bisesi
Matthew Slotkin
Nathan Fischer
Nicholas Ciraldo
Stephen Mattingly
Stuart Fox
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Jiji Kim - Section Leader
Carlos Bedoya
Fangfang Liu
Jack Osborne
Nelson Adrian Rodriguez Garza
Nikola Begovich
Ye Ran
University of Kentucky in Louisville
Stephen Mattingly - Section Leader
Guillermo Alfaro
Cole Anderson
Landon Vandergriff
Logan Florence
Henry Davidson
Nate Zsedenyi
Sam Hardison
Joey Piellucci
Jake Giles
Liam Hedrick
Daniel Salizar
State University of New York in Fredonia
James Piorkowski - Section Leader
Andrew Esposito
Dominic Orlando
Francis “Franky” Ferri
Ian Underwood
Jack Britt
Jackson Rotella
Jacob Nicosia
Jared Trinkle
Maxwell Baxter
Rayne Mescallado
Ryan Terry
Dylan E. Rohr | Fredonia Audio Engineer
Atanas Tzvetkov Bloomington Classical Guitar Society Greg Koenig Dessert Oasis High School Guitar
Jack Romer Guitar
James O’Toole Double Bass
Jonathan Paget Guitar
Kari Novilla Harp
Kearsen Erwin Oboe
Sheryl Seamster Martin Luther King, Jr Elementary School Strings
Everett - Suzuki guitar students
Kole - Suzuki guitar student
Parker - Suzuki guitar student Remy Suzuki guitar student
Alexys Wilson
Beth Walden-Fisher
Bosco Perez
Chase Elliott
Chekey Miller
Connor Long
David Plogh
Graham Miller
Grayson Miller
Haley Knasel
Hannah Stewart
Kristy Purler
Laura Temple
Eastern High School Logan Long Ngawang Tenzin
Pam Tedrow Camp Riverdale | Master of the Minds Rebecca Mankowksi Sydney Kaelin Samantha Meyer Tess Schutz
